Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dubya Ditches Phony Ranch: Moves to "Whites Only" Community

I visited Crawford,TX back in 2004 when I was visiting Waco. The whole town was just a post office, barbershop, coffee diner, a blinking yellow light, and three small shops dedicated to a complete moron. The luster wore off the prez in this little town as it had for the rest of the nation long ago, but luckily they won't need to put up with him much longer. Surprise, surprise, now that W. done being prez, he's dropping the "cowboy" schtik and is selling his ranch.

Democrats speculated that he would as soon as he left office. See here and here.

Bush didn't even bother to pretend by holding on to it for a little while--he bought it right before office and got rid of it days before he leaves office.

He bought the phony ranch in 1999, right before he ran for president. It was always just a huge prop:

  • There were never any animals on this "ranch", no farming, no nothing.
  • There was plenty of "brush" that he pretended to clear--for what reason is anyone's guess.
  • He was terrified of freaking horses, for crying out loud!
Vicente Fox, the former president of Mexico and a real rancher, was appalled with his equinophobia and derided him as a "windshield cowboy"!

But Bush was never a cowboy. It was an image he copied from Reagan--another fake cowboy with a fake ranch. What Bush really was, and still is, is a spoiled, Conneticut-born, Harvard/Yale legacy, son of a multi-millionaire college cheerleader.

It runs in the family. His brother pretends to be named JEB for the hicks--(his name is John Ellis Bush you morons!). But at least JEB, nor anyone else in the Bush family, tries to have a fake Texas drawl.

Dumb followers thought he would "retire" on his phony ranch. Now Bush shows his true colors. He is moving into a $2 million house in an exclusive neighborhood that, until 2000, had a covenant that only white people could live there!

Granted, they gracefully made concessions for some minorities: "servants" of color could live there according to the covenant. If I had the choice to live anywhere I wanted, I certainly would not set foot in such a bigoted neighborhood. Yet these are the kinds of people Bush and his wife are obviously more "comfortable" with. Good riddance.

What is most insulting is that the mainstream press hasn't mentioned this at all. After years of playing up the fake cowboy image at the "Western White House", not a word about it being chucked. I guess it's not nice to call someone out as a phony, and compared to the lies that Bush has bestowed on the American people for the past 8 years, I guess playing a fake cowboy is small potatoes.

I will really enjoy the cult followers of this colossal moron who will no doubt still make excuses. Why stop now? But at least we can finally laugh about all this (and at them) since Bush's exit is here and he can't hurt anyone anymore. That's right, Bushies--our pain has finally ended. Unfortunately, yours is just beginning.


  1. Here is a video about his new home:

    At least Kayne won't be able to bother him.

  2. Christine Kaplan7:29 PM, March 16, 2012

    Lol you really are a moron aren't you ?

    1. because we didn't fall for his cowboy schtik like you did? who's the moron teabagger?

  3. Btw he never did sell the ranch, feel any more stupid now?

    1. a teabagger asking a Democrat if they feel stupid? Now I've heard it all.

    2. Give it to them dumb $hits morthgar!! They wouldn't know the truth if a cow chip hit them in the face!!

    3. C'mon folks. A little civility please. You won't find Obama using this kind of disrespect. We are better than that.

  4. And how often does he stay at his "ranch"? Even if he didn't actually sell it, that doesn't change the fact that it was used as a political prop. It was an integral part of his manufactured cowboy image, and the mainstream media ate it up. Don't you still feel stupid for believing it?

  5. The ranch house was covered with solar panels and equipped to exist self-sufficiently "off the grid". All the while W was resisting any public policy towards renewable energy.

  6. It does make sense that Bush was against renewable energy. Because in his case when what brain cells he had left went bad, He was against renewable sciences like stem cell research that might have actually helped with his personal dilemma.

  7. I'm sure it didn't sell because who would want to live in Cow Flop, TX.
