Every two years it seems to happen. A sactimonious a$$H... GOP legislator here in Florida gets caught with his or her pants down.
Of course you remember the infamous Mark Foley, whose penchant for male pages was largely ignored by his peers and made his chairmanship of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children seem somewhat ironic.
Or, you may not remember Bob Allen, who claimed he was offering the undercover officer money to give him a blowjob because he was fearful of "black guys".
And the lesbian affair/travel scandal from our complete fiasco of a Lt. Governor, Jennifer Carroll.
As of today, we have someone new. The man the Christian Coalition of Florida gave the aptly named "Faith and Families Award" to: right-wing state representative and teabagger darling, Mike
Orlando Sentinel:
State Rep. Mike Horner of Kissimmee, a leading Osceola County Republican and a rising star in state GOP circles, abruptly ended his re-election campaign Monday after he was named as a client in a prostitution and racketeering case... "I deeply regret decisions I made that are causing my family unjustifiable pain and embarrassment …," Horner said. "My family still deserves better from me, as do all my friends, supporters and constituents." He did not respond to requests for an interview.
Horner is no ordinary state representative. He was a fast-rising star.
He was named president of the powerful Kissimmee/Osceola Chamber of Commerce, funneled money to Disney (a requirement here), was a massive fundraiser for the state GOP, and thus had the backing of every big name Florida conservative, including JEB, Marco Rubio and NRA president Marian Hammer. They eve n made a video for him, along with other prominent Florida conservatives, extolling his virtues. Such "integrity"! So much "character" this guy has!
(Although I agree he was "in step with conservative values"--meaning he is a complete assh&*e. The guy has a wife and small child at home! The last frame may break your heart.)
And if you can stomach it, more crap:
Conservative values, my ass.
Thankfully, this was a gauranteed seat for the GOP that we can now definitely win.
The Democrat is Eileen Game for state House District 42, a Polk County business woman.

Even though it's a conservative district, with Horner out, a new republican will only have six weeks to put his or her campaign together, raise money, meet voters... and not even have his or her name on the ballot!! Horner's name has to remain because the deadline to change it has long past.
We need more Democrats DESPERATELY in these final two years of the Rick Scott regime.
1. First, Like her on facebook
2. Donate! Just a little bit... a couple bucks. She's raised several grand and matched that with her own contributions. Our money will go farther because all the funds for Horner have, as of today, been wasted!
3. If you are in District 42 (straddles Osceola and Polk) or live in St. Cloud, Lake Wales or Frostproof, please consider volunteering.
4. At the very least, if you are in the district, ask her for a sign!.
Let's take Florida back, one district at a time.