Here is what you would be hearing on FAUXNEWS if only Britney had the same fanatic following:
The rant:
Neil, let me tell you something. I am sick to my stomach of the people and the liberal press jumping all over our beloved Britney Spears just because she made the bold move of taking drugs and cutting off her hair.
Was it popular to do? No. But leadership is not about following public opinion polls. I know her family, her fans, and all of the so-called psychology "experts" say that somehow, her head-shaving and hard-partying is symptomatic of bizarre behavior. Yet, Britney carefully weighed the options, and did it anyway. THAT, my liberal friends, is what leadership is all about. Britney is the DECIDER, so she has to do what she thinks is best—-despite what everyone else thinks, and despite what so-called "common sense" dictates. And as good Americans, we are obligated to support her no matter what.
How the hell can one think Britney’s enemies aren’t going to be EMBOLDENED by screaming headlines that read "Meltdown", or "Britney Needs Help"? And the kids? My God, the kids? You spineless cowards are essentially telling the kids of Britney that you have no faith in their DECIDER. I’ve said it a thousand times before, publicly smearing Britney is the same as publicly smearing the kids.
Those of us on the right (in the patriotic sense, that is) support Britney’s call to have 20 MORE kids sent to her. It’s escalation, sure, but do the Defeatocrats have a better solution? They do. It's called DEFEAT.
All I’ve heard from them is "It's really bad! Let’s pull the kids out of there!" Folks, taking the kids away from Britney is no different than just surrendering to the enemy. It tells the Federlines of the world that when the going gets a little rough, we like to "cut and run". Sure, that would be easy to do, and don't get me wrong: I WANT the kids back in a safe environment. But Dammit, not before the job is done and NOT before Britney says so.
I will concede that things aren’t going as well as we had all hoped. I will even concede that reckless behavior and child endangerment will probably increase in the short term. But folks, we made a commitment to Britney and to her kids when this started. We owe it to the kids and we owe it to ourselves not to lose the stomach for this until things eventually get better.
To do otherwise would be insanity.